This ’55 Was A Real Gas!
Here’s something I thought I would share with you. It’s a sweet ’55 Bel Air Gasser I saw on my recent trip to #Billetproof in Ocala, Florida. It was one of the award winners at the show this year. Seeing…
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From One Chevy Tri-Five Enthusiast To Another!
Here’s something I thought I would share with you. It’s a sweet ’55 Bel Air Gasser I saw on my recent trip to #Billetproof in Ocala, Florida. It was one of the award winners at the show this year. Seeing…
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Well, today I finally had the chance to put My 55 Chevy Bel Air on the Dyno and took that challenge. It was exciting as I had never done anything like this with my car and wanted to see how…
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The Zephyrhills Winter Autofest was in town again and since it was the first day, I decided to head up there to see if there was anything of use for my Chevy. Normally you can find stuff all weekend long…
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All the rust has been cut out and now it’s time to make like a new car. The under support part was welded in and preparations are being made for the tail pan to be put on as well.
Today was the Grand opening of the Pep Boys Speed Shop in Brandon. Since I have My ’55 Chevy Bel Air back and cleaned up, I decided to take it for a cruise to the car show. It was pretty…
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It’s that time of year again! The Zephyrhills Winter Autofest has come to town. I always like to go on Thursday because the crowds seem to be a little smaller than the weekends. Not so today! When I arrived, the parking lot was…
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I took My 55 Chevy Bel Air out last night. We went to the Inaugural car show at Dale 1891 put on by Ronnie Setser. Not a bad turnout for the first show, and Thanksgiving weekend. Lots of cool cars…
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The engine was still running a bit rough so one of the guys at a car cruise I go to suggested we get together and check it out. When I got there, he hooked up his tach/dwell meter and we…
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Today marks the one year anniversary since My 55 Chevy Bel Air came to her new home. It has been a long year that seemed to fly by quite quickly. We’ve had our ups and downs, but for the most…
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Well, after being stranded for 10 minutes at the gas station because the starter couldn’t get a hold of the flexplate I decided it was time to fix this as well. I found a transmission guy named Jeff who is…
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