Time for a new look
Well, I decided to get the body and paint finished up on My 55 Chevy Bel Air. It took some time to locate a body shop in town that I felt comfortable with but after talking to a guy I…
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From One Chevy Tri-Five Enthusiast To Another!
Well, I decided to get the body and paint finished up on My 55 Chevy Bel Air. It took some time to locate a body shop in town that I felt comfortable with but after talking to a guy I…
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I drove to the Patriot Chevrolet Car Show and Apple Pie baking contest in Dade City, FLA. I love the drive up there, it is so nice getting out in the country and the people there are so laid back and…
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If you have the Velocity network on your TV channel lineup, tune in tonight at 11pm (ET) for Chevy: 100. A look at Chevrolet’s 100 years of automobile history. A really good show to see for Chevy fans and auto…
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Some how, I managed to save a lot of stuff from my old Chevelle SS from years ago. One thing was my Chevrolet USA-1 license plate. I wanted to put this on the Belair so I proceeded to remove the…
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Here are the first pictures of my Belair from today when I went to see it for the first time. Overall, the car looks pretty solid. Body is straight, not much rust (for a 55 year old car) and the engine started right…
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