My '55 Chevy BelAir Blog

From One Chevy Tri-Five Enthusiast To Another!

Dam it’s big!

Before getting too far East, I had to make a stop at one of my favorite West Coast fast food restaurants

With my belly happy we could now hit the road for our next destination, Hoover Dam.

The funny part of the ride to the dam was all the sign along the way: “Get your Dam Drinks here” or “This is your last chance to get some Dam gas”. Those signs sure broke up the boredom of waiting in the over 30 minute ride down a mile stretch of road. The reason for the traffic tie up? What else, Border Patrol checkpoint. Better safe than sorry I guess, but wouldn’t it make more sense to have them at say, the borders of the country?

If you’ve seen the Hoover Dam before or not, it still is an amazing site to see, and yes it is pretty DAM big!