One more step completed
I got both the front rotors and caliper installed today. The second side was a lot easier to remove than the first side was. It helped that I saturated it with B’laster and let it soak overnight too. After removal…
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From One Chevy Tri-Five Enthusiast To Another!
I got both the front rotors and caliper installed today. The second side was a lot easier to remove than the first side was. It helped that I saturated it with B’laster and let it soak overnight too. After removal…
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Things seem to be progressing a bit better now that I figured out some of the snags. Today the new master cylinder and vacuum booster were finally installed. I hated to have to cut bolts to make new parts fit,…
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The news for today is my Drum-to-Disc Brake Conversion Kit arrived! I found a place online called Auto City Classic that has a lot of ’58 Chevy parts but also carries other old Chevy parts too. As you can see from…
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